Hedgehogs are amazing little animals, and sometimes if your lucky they may visit your garden whilst on the hunt for food. Take a look below at some interesting facts about hedgehogs that your may not know.
1. There are 17 species of hedgehog
2. The lifespan of a hedgehog is around 5-7 years
3. At any one time a hedgehog can have up to 6000 spines – ouch
4. A baby hedgheog is called a hoglet
5. Hedgehogs can communicate to eachother by squeals and grunts
6. Hedgehogs can vary from having 1-11 babies
7. Hedgehogs sleep during the day and become active at night
8. Not many people know this but they are lactose intolerant
9. Their eyesight is not very good
So they rely on their hearing and smell to hunt for food such as insects, worms, caterpillars and berries.