Reiki is a wonderful Japanese technique that works with the bodies energy (also known as chi) to heal from illness’s and ailments. It works as a great complimentary therapy and has no interactions at all with medications.
Even if your pet is really ill, you don’t need to move or disrupt them as reiki can even be still effective when used long distance. It’s non-invasive, requires no tools or technology, just the methods that you will learn from this great read.
Reiki will always work for an animals highest good and the animal is always in control so they choose to take the healing for as long as they like.
1. Animal Reiki By Elizabeth Fulton & Kathleen Prasad
This book is a fantastic read and guides you through the methods needed you should practice to create a powerful healing session for your pet.
It's written in an easy way to read and understand so a wide variety of audiences can benefit from reading this book.
Once you start this incredible book you won't be able to put it down, explore the magic on your wonderful animal reiki journey.