You’re tucking into a tasty snack and the next thing you know your dog is resting their innocent face on your legs begging you for a piece of whatever tasty snack you’re eating but some of our everyday human foods can actually be fatal for our four legged furry friends.
Take a look at the list below of the 10 toxic foods to dogs and NEVER give your dogs any of these.
It’s not all bad news though, there are fresh foods that are absolutely safe for your dog to consume.
Although we all love chocolate, it can be fatal for our dogs. Chocolate and Cocoa products contain a toxic component called theobromine which dogs process very slowly which builds up toxic levels in their system.
If you want to treat your pooch around the holidays then special doggy chocolate which is safe is available in most pet stores or online.
Garlic & Onions
Garlic and onions are part of the same family and both can be fatal for dogs so please avoid any products that contain these foods.
Both onions and garlic can lead to digestive problems and possible red blood cell damage.
Coffee contains stimulants which are dangerous for dogs, so even though you may enjoy your morning coffee do not let your dog near your cup.
You should never be tempted to give your dog any alcohol.
Alcoholic beverages can cause vomiting, diarrhea, decreased coordination, central nervous system depression, difficulty breathing, tremors, abnormal blood acidity, coma and even death.
Xylitol is a popular alternative to sugar, it's an artificial sweetener that is found in baked goods and sugarless gum.
Hills state that Ingestion can cause a life-threatening drop in your dog’s blood sugar, as well as liver damage. Symptoms include vomiting, seizures and loss of coordination, which can occur anywhere from a few minutes to several hours after ingestion. According to the Pet Poison Helpline, a 10-pound dog would only need to eat a single piece of sugar-free gum to reach a potentially toxic dose. Dogs that ingest large amounts of xylitol can also develop liver failure.
If you suspect that your dog has consumed anything that might contain Xylitol it is important that you contact your vet immediately.
Grapes and also raisins (dried grapes) are toxic to dogs, it has been reported that even a small amount can be highly dangerous for dogs.
Too much salt can give your dog a serious thirst, other symptoms of too much salt may include vomiting, diarrhea, depression, tremors, high temperature, and seizures.
Macadamia Nuts
As tasty as these nuts are, you should never give your dog a macadamia nut.
The most common symptom of macadamia nut ingestion occurs 12 hours later, your dog may be unable to walk and be extremely weak.
You may think of corn as a healthy vegetable for your dog but this veg has a hidden danger.
Dogs are unable to digest large amounts of corn so it can easily cause an intestinal blockage. Signs of corn overload are vomiting, loss of appetite, absence of faeces, diarrhoea and abdominal pain.
Yeast Dough
You should never give your dog yeast dough, it can cause a large gas accumulation which will be very painful and can also cause an intestinal blockage.